Vacationing on a cruise boat is a full body workout, even when you're sleeping. It was 7:14am when I started writing this post and the boat was still rocking violently. There was one long fall in the night where Maggie appropriately said, "Oh, crap." Pretty well summed up our first night of trying to sleep through twenty foot swells. Somehow, I did manage to sleep amid the rocking and blows of the great Pacific. At one point I wondered if I could use the phone in the room to call the helmsman and say, "Turn INTO the wakes!" (Otherwise you're being broadsided, which is really, really, really, really not fun.) But I don't think that we had much choice in the matter as we were in nothing but confused seas. (Wakes from opposing directions coming together usually right where your boat is...also not fun.)
When I took a shower on this first morning, I was grateful for the bars in the shower stall. Leaning on my sail crew training, I had a hand for myself and a hand for the ship. In other words, I was holding on for dear life.
After my shower, I quickly made my way to the cafeteria. It was a long walk and were it not for my ginger candy, I probably would have lost my dinner from the night before. I remembered the advice I received from one of the waitresses the night before - when you're feeling like you're going to lose your lunch, eat a green apple. I swung into the cafeteria, grabbed my apple and somehow found Maggie. We enjoyed breakfast together and would you believe it? The apple helped tremendously and there were gluten free options!
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Coffee, bacon, waffles smothered in strawberries and whipped cream - what more could one want? |
With waffles and coffee in my belly, we ran into Carolyn and Felicia before going to see a lecture on California Missions. Here's some trivia for you - what modern family name made its name in the Alaskan Gold Rush? (Answer will be in the end of this post.) The presentation was a little less than I would have expected, but I did learn a little.
After the presentation, Maggie and I split ways. I wandered around trying to find a place to write. I started up at level 11, but it was rocking so much, had to continue my exploration, but not before having fun with the crew.
Being unable to handle the constant and sometimes violent rocking, it was time to continue my explorations. Throughout most of the ship all of the doors to the outer world were closed. It was like they didn't trust mostly drunk landlubbers out on high seas or something. (For the record, I didn't drink a drop on the cruise 'cause that's how I roll.)
Up on the top deck, wondering how the people in the background could read with the ship moving so much. |
My tummy began to growl, so I headed to the Lido deck where the food was kept. Much to my absolute delight, I felt the wonderful kiss of a fresh, outside breeze! The aft patio was open, so I walked around, soaked in the sunlight, and found a nice table where I could write. It was positively delightful. Being cooped up with 2,000 of your new best friends is great and all, but I was glad to be outside. I spend too far much time in a cave-like environment. (Don't get me wrong, I love my office, but natural light is good.) (I may have one of those "we-live-in-a-land-where-the-sun-does-not-shine happy environment lights on my desk, but I will neither confirm or deny that.) I'm a Southern Californian, what do you expect??
Many minutes passed as my pen scrolled out a whole new chapter in a sequel I've been working on for a while ere my stomach less than gently reminded me, "Hey you, up there," my growling tummy protested, "Get up! It's tiempo to eat!" Yes, my stomach is bilingual, but mostly it speaks in the tongue of Hungry.

With a full belly I headed back to the room for a 15 minute nap. The ship was still rocking, but it was much better than the morning. It didn't take but a minute before I drifted into dreams.
At 2pm, there was an Indonesian Crew show, which I was quite excited to see. I love learning about different cultures. I knew that the girls were hoping to watch this as well, but I couldn't find them, so I sat in the balcony overlooking the stage on the port side. About five minutes into the show, an ENORMOUS wake hit hour bow and the entire ship rattled and thudded. Even the crew was caught off guard by the bombastic slap of the ocean.
The Indonesians put on a fun show, which highlighted different aspects of their cultural heritages. At first the crowd was slow to warm up to these performers, but after while, everyone was appreciating the work our crew put into seeing through our every need and our entertainment. We had the most fantastic crew and I was grateful for each and every one of them. Cannot begin to imagine the hard work that goes into being crew on a cruise ship.
The show let out at 3:00pm and then, the race was on.
It was tea time.
And everyone knew it.
Prior to the show, I had strategically positioned myself at the top row so that I could get across the entire vessel before everyone else. For those of you who are thinking, what's the big deal? It's just tea time on a cruise boat filled with mostly retired folk. Well, think of it this way - I'm an old soul who likes caffeine and I was on a ship full of British Canadians...there ya go.
Alas for me, my strategy failed.
HUNDREDS of people over the age of 70 whisked past me. Can't make this up. The people aboard may look feeble, but hot dang, they proved that they could move.
Once we all made it through to the main dining hall, we were given seats assigned by the order in which we arrived. I sat with a lovely pair of sisters, a young lady who was traveling alone, and an older family of native San Diegans. The sisters were in their 80s and they were hilarious. The sisters reminisced oF a cruise they once took when their vessel picked up Cuban refugees in a life boat in the middle of the night. They spoke as if it was no big deal, just another adventure on a cruise.
At the end of tea time I circled the room. It was the biggest event of the day, so I knew that the odds of finding the girls were good and sure enough I found them.
Well, I found Maggie and Felicia, but Carolyn was still MIA. We talked for a little while before we went off in search for our companion. It didn't take us long. We visited in the hall for a while, then Maggie left to freshen up for dinner. Carolyn, Felicia and I went up to their room where we relaxed a long while. We stood out on their terrace and enjoyed the feeling of the wind on our faces.
Before we knew it, it was dinner time. We made our way down to the Manhattan Room, the main dining area, to see Maggie in line. We enjoyed a fantastic meal. I ended up not doing my second reservation at the fancy restaurant, which worked out for the best. It was far more fun dining with the girls.
Up to this point, we were all under the impression that we did not have cell service; I tried to pull up my published books for Carolyn to see, but remembering that I was on airplane mode, I said, "I'm sorry, we don't have service." No sooner did I finish saying that, Maggie pulled out her phone, which was ringing, and said in it, "Hello?" her cousin had somehow made a phone call through to her.
The look that Felicia and I gave each other was priceless. We could not believe the coincidence.
We ate until we were stuffed. I had to wrap up dinner around 8pm because I had an appointment - there was a massage awaiting me. My plan had been to run to the room after dinner, change into my pajamas and then proceed straight from my massage into my bed, but alas, I ran out of time.
Preparing for the massage was a neat experience. You go into the relaxation room, which was nothing but windows looking out over the sea. It smelled of lavender and was dimly lit. I was already ready to pass out in sleep. (Doesn't take much for me.) After getting changed, I was led to the little massage room to meet my massage therapist named Lydia. She was very nice and gave me THE best massage I've ever had. However, I told the girls that if you haven't had a professional massage before, a cruise is not the place to start. If you have, then it'd probably be one of the best you'd ever have.
After the massage, I floated back to the room, visited with Maggie, then fell blissfully into sleep, rocked by the ever calming arms of the Pacific.
Step Count: 10,477.
Until next week, dear readers, when at sea we will be able to enjoy the Dutchie's Return of the King,
Your humble author,
S. Faxon
ANSWER TO TRIVIA QUESTION: If you guessed Nordstom, you'd be correct!!!! If you guessed Macy's, you'd be close, but wrong.
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