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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Right Here and Now"

I found this photo and quote of our Mr. Rogers a few days ago on Facebook. My last post was about not judging a book by its cover, metaphorically speaking. Mr. Rogers was a man whose cover was his life. He was a man who sought to make the world a better place by reaching out through innocence to children. He started the program every time by putting on a sweaters hand made by his mama.  A good friend of mine reintroduced me to this well known character Mr. Rodgers, and this quote, is one of my favorites.

Here in the States we just celebrated Thanksgiving. It is a time of family, friends, tradition, and the review of our blessings. Quite a few people lose sight of those blessings and run to the stores to buy things, quite possibly that they did not need. Now, I will admit that I took advantage of the holiday sales on the Saturday before Thanksgiving: I bought a new iPad case, one that is much better for my tool of trade and for my hands (typing novels on these tiny keyboards isn't easy); I also purchased a few pairs of shoes - I wear mine down to the ground, literally, so it was time to bite the bullet and buy new shoes. That being said, I was not seen rushing like madmen into the nearest department store to elbow and punch my way to the "sales". I did not stand in line for hours and hours to save my sacred 40%. No. Do you know what I did on everyone else's black Friday instead? 

I found my peace. I went out on the water and breathed freely. Pearched proudly on my vessel in the cool breeze, I felt the wind in my face and the movement of the water beneath my boat. It was beautiful. Aside from the constant hum of the engine and the whistle of the apparent wind, all was
quiet and still. I wispered into the wind my many thanks for the countless blessings in my life; for wind, for the water, for sunshine. It's the small, ever present wonders in life that I admire and am grateful for the most. Well, for that, and the people in my life that make me laugh. There are so many times when I find I get caught up in this or that. But it's thanks to the people in my life who make me smile that everything seems right once more, no matter how blue or grey the day. One word or one quirky expression from them and I know it's all going to be alright. Do you have those people in your lifes? Or at least one person who makes you laugh? Let them know how much that means to you, even if you've told them a thousand times before. Let them know that they are blessings in your heart and that you will be forever grateful for the laughter no matter the tears in your here and now.

Hopefully this wasn't too philosophical for you all. More shorts are of course to come. I hope that you all enjoyed wonderful Thanksgivings and that you remembered to find your peace.

Like what you've read here? Have I got a treat for you: The Animal Court awaits. 

Until next week.

Your humble author,
S. Faxon

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