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Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Good evening!

The autumn season is in bloom here in San Diego. It is 42' outside, 50' inside my house where we have yet to turn on the heat because this is Southern California and we are in denial that it gets cold at night. I have my steaming cup of tea, fuzzy socks, scarf and throw blanket as my "warming team" until such a time when our single wall heater comes to life.

Last night I attended the reunion dinner for the Pacifica Institute's Turkey adventure. It was a beautiful dinner and it was wonderful to see my travel companions. And wouldn't you know, the people of Nigde did it again! When we were in Nigde (pronounced 'nee-dah") we were treated like royalty and given surprise after surprise. Last night, we received the very same treatment. Four men from Nigde, including the host who allowed my friend and me to stay in his family's home, were there. After everyone ate, and after Rosemary walked us down memory lane with Walt's photos as her guide, the people of Nigde gave us one more gift. 

We each received these beautiful quotes with the Turkish tulip in the background. My frame is currently on my dresser, but it will soon take a place in my office at work.

By the way, I would like to extend my apologies for not writing in recent weeks, my dear readers. I've recently started a new job and my time at home has mostly been warmly dedicated to helping out my mom. You see, my mom is on crutches right now. She recently had surgery to repair her ACL and the Meniscus in her right knee. This is not the first major surgery my mom has undergone, in fact it is one of a few. My mother is not "injury prone," and nor is she clumsy. My mom has a condition called Osteogenisis Imperfecta, O.I. Haven't heard of it? You are not alone. Often times when my mom goes to new doctors or physicians, they haven't heard of it either. And so, as I'm sure you can imagine, it's been a frustrating road for my mom. It is a condition with many signs, but the symptoms are the troubling aspect - it is often referred to as the brittle bone disease.

Her healing this time around is going fairly smoothly, but the frustrations from the unknown have been troubling. So, my mom has done something about it. She's writing a blog and I invite and encourage you to read it. Her story is incredible and for some of you it may feel familiar. The link for my mom's blog is below, and it is entitled, "I am Not Breakable." Please check out my mom's blog, who's bones and tendants are easily damaged, but will not fall: 


See you soon dear readers.
Your humble author,
S. Faxon

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