The last week has been pretty busy - yesterday alone I went down to the harbor,
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It was a blustery day... |
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Happy 30th Art Walk San Diego! |
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We got to keep the mason jars and yes, that's a crab leg reaching for a cherry. |
All before dawning my orange,
To celebrate Koninsgrad with the Dutchies!
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Myself, Lieke (the Dutchie), and Melody at King's Day Celebration. |
For those of you who may be unaware of the Orange, Koninsgrad, or the Dutch, please click this post link, "The Dutch", so that you don't feel left out when everyone is talking about my post around the water cooler on Monday.
And now that I've told you about a day in the life of me, let's get to the real reason why you're here. (Stop reading now if you're not caught up with the last Providence posts and go catch up. Go on, quit reading this one and take care of this business, no one likes people who skip chapters to figure out what happens next.)
Last week, Ms. Grace's house collapsed! (See, if you didn't read last week's that would be a total shock to you, so stop fooling around and go back to catch up!!!)
Whatever will become of her now? Guess you'll just have to read to find out what happens to Ms. Grace on Christmas Eve...
Chapter 16 Continued, The Gifts of Christmas
It was very late in the
night once Ms. Grace finally returned to nearly full cognition. She sat up in a
bed that was not her own. To her chest, she clutched a lovely quilt that she
did not recognize. Upon further examination of everything she was also wearing
a nightgown she had never seen before in a room that was foreign to her eyes. ‘What a queer surprise,’ she thought.
Even though Ms. Grace initially did not have the foggiest recollection of what
brought her to this place she was somehow comfortable with everything. With
only two candles softly aglow, the room she was in was warm and inviting,
almost familiar. There was a window on the other side of the small, cozy
bedroom. She removed herself from the warm daybed to look through the glass. It
was already dark out. She wondered what time it could possibly be. Her rational
mind brought her back to the side of the bed to think a moment before leaving
the security of the room to explore her surroundings. She sat back down
tenderly, for her calf and back hurt cruelly for some reason or the next. Ms.
Grace pulled up her night gown to rub her leg, for she thought it was simply
asleep, but instead she found a horrific sight. The candles on the nightstand
cast light onto a rather nasty looking bruise upon her fair leg.
Then it hit her.
A wave of memories
bombarded Ms. Grace. Her house was destroyed because the infrastructure could
not handle her body being used as a battery ram to break the door down so that
Mr. Higley could do his wicked deed. She then remembered the sounds, none
distinct, of dozens of voices rattling off gifts and assurances to her as she
was kindly taken away to where she could not exactly remember. The gap between
walking down the snowy main road of Providence and being helped into this bed
by Allison and her mother was blank and empty. It was all very puzzling.
But, her rational mind
would not stand to remain in the dark. Her unfocused eyes did another quick
scan of her surroundings to see a robe – also not hers – neatly lying on the
foot of the bed. Ms. Grace did the simplest act of reaching for the robe, only to
retract her arm immediately. Her shoulder hurt dreadfully. She quickly untied
the string holding the nightgown onto her body to evaluate the damage done. She
turned herself this way and that in attempt to see the wound or bruise or
whatever it was on her back in the small oval mirror on the bedside table.
However, the light was far too dim to do anything but cast shadows across her
skin, thus surely playing tricks on her blurry eyes as to the extent of its severity.
Her rational mind quickly
discerned that she needed help. Ms. Grace restored her night gown to
propriety’s standards and she delicately maneuvered herself into the robe. Oh,
it was so deliciously warm and comfortable! Ms. Grace looked into the small
mirror from the provocation of the robe feeling so large. She laughed out loud
at the sight. It was the robe of a gentleman, but at least it covered her.
With a quick inhale to strengthen
her nerves, Ms. Grace pushed open the door.
A smile was the instantaneous
result of the environment change. She would know the sight of that hall and the
scent of this house anywhere. She was in the care of the beekeeper. She laughed
to think of how inappropriate this arrangement had become, but it suited her
perfectly. In fact, being with the reverend in any way at all was her wish for
Christmas this year. Her advice earlier to the young Mr. Winford was apparently
The room that she left was
the space where many a boarder had slept when the prices of the inn had turned
passers-through-Providence away. The door of the reverend’s home was always
open to those who were in need. It seemed funny to Ms. Grace that only when she
had become a vagabond that she managed to justify coming into his home as one
in need as opposed to simply one wanting attention.
She walked down the hall to
the living room. It was filled with a gentle glow of warmth and light. When she
passed the opened door of Mr. Tamrin’s room she glanced in to see if the good
man was in bed. She saw no body in the bed, so with her heart pounding she
proceeded forward under the assumption that it logically must not be too late
in the night. However, had Ms. Grace seen the time her pocket watch was
ticking, she would have returned to bed that instant. But because she was
innocently ignorant to the hour the lady continued forward. Her bare feet made not
a sound upon the long wooden planks. She tread lightly, for she spotted her
host on the couch – his body was not angled towards her, so she could not see
if he was awake or asleep.
Mr. Tamrin was in an
awake-like state, but his head made not a thought or his body a move. His
handsome almond shaped eyes stared unfocused into the fire while the pocket
watch lying on his stomach ticked the time away.
Ms. Grace loomed over the
other side of the couch to admire the peace of the moment. She briefly imagined
herself to be Mr. Tamrin’s wife emerging from the bedroom to coo her husband to
bed for rest. She could see that by the fire there was a pan of chestnuts ready
to be roasted; for a moment she imagined that he had put off making the
delicious treat for their children to be awake for the process in the morning. It
seemed so real a fantasy in her heart. Ms. Grace was then awfully grateful for
her rational head, which reminded her that the score was only pretend.
With absolutely nothing
else to do, Ms. Grace softly cleared her throat to announce herself.
The relatively hushed declaration
of another soul’s presence roused the reverend from his daze. “Ms. Grace,” he
said as though surprised to see her. He quickly removed his outstretched legs
from the couch, grabbing the pocket watch from his chest, to stand like a good
man of Providence for a lady.
“Please, there’s no need to
stand,” Ms. Grace excused with a hand held up to yield the man’s act. She
chuckled then added, “This is hardly a formal meeting.”
This was true.
Mr. Tamrin slowly lowered
himself back to the couch’s embrace and invited Ms. Grace to join him, but he
had to turn his face away for a moment. Leaning over the arm rest pretending
that he thought he dropped something, the reverend was able to conceal his
expression, which said how perfectly lovely Ms. Grace looked wearing his robe.
As the gentlelady took her seat, clinging the neck of said robe tightly closed over
her chest, Mr. Tamrin attempted to recover himself through a nervously stated
explanation of the situation; “I know that you must be thinking how
inappropriate this is for us to be, well, to be alone together, but everyone else’s homes were full because of the
holiday and it was unanimously agreed that putting you in a room at the inn was unacceptable,” (Ms. Grace snorted, scoffed and rolled her eyes, for she did
vaguely remember that part of the hulabaloo.) “And since I usually welcome
boarders into my home, I-I merely mentioned
that I had the spare room, Ms. Grace. It was actually Mrs. Huff who had the
final say so and condoned your staying here.” He would never have admitted it,
but for once Mr. Tamrin was happy to not have been considered an eligible
The gentlelady sat quietly,
staring contently at Mr. Tamrin. She leaned back against the soft embrace of
the couch only to jolt forward. The poignant reminder that she was injured came
with the slightest touch of the cushion. The reverend saw the queer motion and
promptly inquired if she was alright. Ms. Grace only nodded. She did not yet
wish to spoil the moment with a complaint that was surely nothing. She instead
adapted to the discomfort, leaning the right side of her body against the
couch’s cushions for comfort’s sake. “Oh, Mr. Tamrin,” she sighed, “What on
earth could I have done to merit such misfortunes? My whole house fell to
pieces and I lost everything of material value and now I am stuck here with you.” She sighed again though this time with
a playful smile, “Surely it is some trick of fate.”
The reverend thought so
too, but he did not say anything. He was blissfully content to have such a forbidden
intimate moment with Ms. Grace. He too imagined in his most secret thoughts
that they were married and enjoying nothing more than a quiet Christmas Eve
together – it was his Christmas wish
to spend this night with her.
The pair stayed in such a
peaceful way for a long time. In their silence Ms. Grace listened to the snaps
and crackles of the burning logs, the ticks of the watch clutched in the
reverend’s hand, and she even heard the calm steady breaths of the gentleman.
But the ticks brought back to her thoughts one of those questions which
frequented her mind. “What time do you have?”
With a sigh the reverend
looked to his watch. He was not surprised to see that the hour was so late.
“It’s a couple of minutes ‘til midnight,” he answered.
“Gracious,” Ms. Grace
replied. In the absence of conversation she had forgotten her pains and
mistakenly leaned back into the couch. Yet again she had the same concerning
“Ms. Grace?” Mr. Tamrin
scooted himself directly beside the lady so he could ascertain what was so physically
viciously grievous. “You’re hurt.”
However reluctantly, Ms.
Grace nodded. “I do not know the extent,” she informed. “It’s actually the main
reason why I came out; I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Tamrin.”
“Anything,” Mr. Tamrin
assured, hoping that he would be able to help Ms. Grace in any way she asked.
Ms. Grace felt very uncomfortable asking this of a reverend especially to one
that she found herself irrevocably attracted, but she needed to know. Ms. Grace
pushed herself to sit at the edge of the couch. She swallowed hard then softly
said, “Mr. Tamrin – I think that my back may have some sort of damage to it, er,
I did try to look in the mirror to see how badly, but I couldn’t.” Ms. Grace
refrained from admitting to the reverend that it was because her eyes were
blurry, which made her unable to see the damage – she did not want him to think
her weak in any way. (Mr. Tamrin swallowed hard. The poor man was growing
increasingly nervous on two accounts: the first was for Ms. Grace’s sake – he
saw the amount of pain she was enduring from something as insignificant as a
touch from a pillow; the second, he already knew what she was going to ask him.)
“Mr. Tamrin,” she continued, she then decided that if she said it all quickly
it would seem that less a chore for either of them. “If I slide down the back
of my garments would you look at my back and tell me if I ought to, I don’t
know, be put in the care of the doctor in Portland or something?” Ms. Grace did
not know if anything could be done for her injuries, but she had to hope that
the grievance was not to the extent of needing medical attention.
Mr. Tamrin gulped out a
Ms. Grace turned her front
side completely away from Mr. Tamrin. She hesitated. She could almost hear what
scorn would come from someone like Mrs. Huff for such a vulgar and unlady like
act, but after a moment of reflection Ms. Grace failed to care. The woman slid
the top part of the robe down past her shoulder blades. She tucked the lose
parts of the robe underneath her arms only to realize that more of the robe
would have to be removed so the nightgown could be taken down as well. Sighing at
her foolishness, she had hoped to do this quickly and coolly as though she was
totally comfortable with the situation, but her nerves were obviously clouding
her thoughts. Her hands were trembling.
The reverend was not
watching Ms. Grace perform her part. He was too much of a gentleman. His gaze
instead watched the flames in the hearth dance. He only returned his focus to
Ms. Grace once he realized that she had stopped moving. It was obvious that she
was uneasy. He was glad to know that he was not the only one nervous for
something as innocent as checking a friend’s back for injuries.
“Ms. Grace,” he kindly
cooed, hoping to reassure her heart and head. “I assure you, dear lady, that my intentions are honorable. I would never compromise you in any way.”
Ms. Grace’s heart beat
again. She was able to undress herself to the extent that she had planned. She
would later consider herself silly for ever doubting Mr. Tamrin otherwise, but
her reason was still scrambled from her experience earlier that day. It was the
residual shock. Truth be told, thanks to Mr. Higley’s act, it would be ages
before Ms. Grace was ever completely comfortable with any man alone save for
Mr. Tamrin.
The black robe and the
white nightgown were now safely tucked beneath Ms. Grace’s arms. Her back was
exposed down past her rib cage, but her hands firmly pressed her clothes over
her chest. She was comfortable with the reverend, but she was puzzled. For what
reason was he so silent?
“Oh, Ms. Grace,” the man
was finally able to omit a sound, but it was hardly comforting.
Finding herself to feel
mildly awkward, the woman made a light joke, “Have I developed a hump? Glaring
wickedly at you, is it?” The reverend did not laugh. There was nothing funny
about what he saw. “Mr. Tamrin?” Ms. Grace timidly called.
The reverend’s heart
actually hurt from the sight. It looked as though the house had fallen on Ms.
Grace. Mr. Tamrin swallowed hard then said, “Ms. Grace, my God, why didn’t you
tell anyone that something fell on you? Or that you were in any pain at all?”
Ms. Grace bit her lower
lip. She did not tell anyone that something had fallen on her because nothing
had done said deed. She was numbed from the pain because of her shock of nearly
having a series of unspeakable deeds happen to her along with witnessing her
house’s demise. These were not things one recovered from easily. (Let us not
forget that this was the second house Ms. Grace had watched fall to the ground
in her life.) Ms. Grace tried to conjure something to say because she did not
want to be lost in the grim memories of losing her parents and nor was she
ready to tell the truth about what happened earlier today. “I guess whatever
fell on me must have knocked my head too,” she lied. “It all happened so fast,
Mr. Tamrin. I, I really cannot remember if anything fell on me or not.”
The lateness of the hour
and the sight of Ms. Grace’s bruises were trying on the soft hearted reverend.
The swollen and discolored skin made him a little queasy, but he managed to
collect himself. “Ms. Grace, why don’t you go lie down. I’ll be in there in a
minute. I’m going to make a cold compress for you,” he instructed and informed.
Ms. Grace nodded then she
began to restore her clothes to their proper places. She arched her shoulders
to scoot the clothes up, but the act was horribly uncomfortable. Her muscles
were so sore. Mr. Tamrin saw the way the ache afflicted Ms. Grace. Without time
wasted on thought or a request from Ms. Grace for help, the reverend came to
the lady’s aid. The gentleman helped her maneuver her nightgown back up and the
robe’s sleeve’s back onto her arms. He did try to keep his fingertips from
making direct contact with her skin, but (he would later admit only to himself)
it was difficult for him not to absorb a thrill from so intimate an act.
“Thank you,” Ms. Grace
whispered over her shoulder for services rendered. She sighed and kept her
blushing face away from the reverend’s sight as they went their separate ways.
The two were parted for only a couple of minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
Alone, the rooms they occupied were so cold.
“Here you are, Ms. Grace,”
the reverend said as he entered her room. She was sitting in the center of the
daybed. In his absence, Ms. Grace removed the robe and nestled herself within
the coverlet.
Seeing Ms. Grace looking at
him so expectantly with an aired bed as the background made the reverend
chuckle as he said, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but down flat on
your stomach, you.” He could repress a smile, but he could not keep his face
from blaring red.
Ms. Grace laughed
regardless of her pain. This night only increasingly became more and more
inappropriate, but she guessed that no one in Providence would so much as think
that anything would pass between these two aside from congenial and proper
conversations. Chuckling, she asked, “How on earth could anyone misinterpret
that request?” She lay down on her stomach and pulled her nightgown to her
shoulder blades, once more revealing her gruesome bruise.
The reverend sat on the edge
of the bed beside the school teacher. It was very hard for him to see Ms. Grace
with such an abhorrent looking contusion on her skin. He knew that she had to
be in a considerable amount of pain, but she was hardly one to complain. “It’s
amazing to me, Ms. Grace, that you are even able to walk with that much
bruising on your back. You are very lucky that your spine’s not damaged.” The
gentleman shook his head then he softly pressed the partly frozen cheesecloth full
of snow to her back.
Ms. Grace tensed from the
touch. The cold and the weight on her aching skin were not a pleasant mix of
sensations. Her hands tightened into fists and her face scrunched. It felt
downright awful. “Ugh, I guess in that case I am lucky,” she agreed with her
face partly buried in the pillow. And as the reverend pulled up the quilt to
cover her as much as possible without interfering with the compress, Ms. Grace
again fell so in love. He plainly cared for her so much. It was sickening when
she thought of Mr. Higley who was the complete opposite. With Mr. Tamrin she
was safe. If she married Mr. Higley, the guttersnipe (to use Mr. Winford’s
word), he would have every legal right to neglect, abuse, and punish her for
anything he pleased. But if she did not marry the blighter there would be
nothing she could do for the sake for her school. Regardless of her decision
earlier, the selfless woman was regrettably stubborn.
But so was Mr. Tamrin. He
would not so easily let her go.
The reverend lifted his
legs from the floor to rest them on the bed beside Ms. Grace. He was not about
to leave her side tonight. He was not sure if he imagined it, but during the
day he swore he saw something like fear streak across Ms. Grace’s complexion at
the queerest things. He knew that the dear woman was and would be shaky for
some time, but he was not aware entirely of why. So for the time being Mr.
Tamrin decided that regardless of her reasons, Ms. Grace needed to feel
protected and safe. The gentleman propped himself beside her on that wee bed to
be her guardian for at least this night. He kept the compress in place on her
back and he even used his handkerchief to wipe away the condensation as it
dripped down her sides.
The pair was quiet for a
long time until the reverend omitted a tangent chuckle. Ms. Grace lifted her
face from the pillow to inquire the meaning of his sudden chortle to which the
reverend smiled charmingly. “Merry Christmas, Ms. Grace,” he wished, realizing
that surely today was now the twenty-fifth.
Ms. Grace too smiled.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Tamrin,” she gaily returned. The gentlelady bit her lower
lip then bashfully added, “I must confess; we are only a couple of minutes into
the date, but thus far this has already become the best Christmas of my life.”
She did not wait to see the reverend’s reaction, instead nestling her face back
into the pillow. (The man was glowing with his elation.) Ms. Grace too was
inwardly overjoyed. Thanks to that sniveling twit Mr. Higley, Ms. Grace and Mr.
Tamrin were able to receive the best Christmas gifts either could have then
imagined: a night beside the one they loved.
Things could not be going better for Mr. Tamrin and Ms. Grace! But, will things stay this way in Providence, or will matters slip away from paradise? Tune in next week to read what happens next!
I'm determined to finish writing a book today, so we'll see how that goes. In the mean time, nothing to do and all caught up with my posts, why not read my book The Feasts and Follies of the Animal Court, available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook. Full star reviews have to mean something good :)
Your humble author,
S. Faxon
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