I'm sorry your reading escapes have been so far and in between, but you see, my days and nights have been filled with visiting an old friend...
That's right; a physical book at last. To my new readers, allow me to introduce, The Animal Court, the second edition of The Feasts and Follies of the Animal Court.
Now, for those of you who think you know Gertrude, let me assure you that time changes all. I invite you to reacquaint yourself with the story of Gertrude Kemenova and the animal court, particularly those of you who are suffering from Game of Thrones withdrawals (trust me, I'm right there with you!)
Pick up the Second Edition to have and to dog-ear here.
One more major announcement; pack up your bags, we're moving! The expanse of my writing universe has become too great for this wonderful site, so we're off to our new blogging location: sfaxon.com. Consider it a second edition of sorts. We're nearing the big leagues together, dear readers, and I cannot thank you enough for supporting me this entire time.
Until next time at our new location,
Your humble and GRATEFUL author,
S. Faxon