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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Read

If you find yourself needing groceries today, but don't have time or the helpers to run to the store, use your Amazon Prime. They deliver fresh food from grocery stores to YOUR door within TWO hours. It's insane and amazing. I have a hard time in stores when there are a ton of people (shopping at Costco is always a challenge for me), so the Prime Now is a great deal. There are minimums, but they vary from store to store that Amazon uses. See for yourself. Try it out!

If you're looking for something different and easy to make, here's what I'm doing (all of these ingredients are available on Prime - guess how I know!):

4-5 ripe (squishy) persimmons
Box of mixed baby kale, baby spinach - or a box of each. Whatever you can find.
Soy sauce
Frying oil of choice -avocado works really well.

Take 4-5 persimmons, dice them, then roast them at 350' for 15-20 minutes.

While that's going, pan sear mushrooms. There are a few tricks for mushrooms - if you can, buy prewashed. You want your mushrooms to be as dry as possible. If you can't find them prewashed (like I couldn't) wash them HOURS before you cook with a moist paper towel. Then, take a handful of mushrooms at a time, add salt to the oil to draw out flavor, and sear until brown. I use avocado oil. It takes about twenty minutes to do a standard box, so it works out nicely with the persimmons.

Next, mix the persimmons and mushrooms together and set aside.

Use a box of baby kale and baby spinach.  Mix in about a 1/4th cup avocado oil, and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Place veggies in oven and stir every few minutes. These really don't take long, so keep an eye on them. Once the veggies are about half way done, add the persimmons and mushroom. Once it's looking good, serve.

The flavors work beautifully together. If you have vegetarian folk coming to your Thanksgiving dinner, throw in a few Italian soy-sausages. We did this the other day when I hosted a Thanksgiving with Friends. Turned out pretty good.

The dinner was a ton of fun and I am so grateful to have such wonderful and dear friends.

What are you grateful for this year?

I'm also grateful for my dear readers! Thank you for tuning in and have a wonderful, happy Thanksgiving!

All my love,
Your humble author,
S. Faxon