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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Return of the Pen

Hello again, my dear readers,

Yes, I disappeared from the face of the interweb again. It just so happens that I was up to no good. As I'm sure that you can see:

Whoa-dang!!! What's this? Is that the long awaited sequel to The Feasts and Follies of the Animal Court

That's right my friends, it is. Foreign & Domestic Affairs is the exciting conclusion to Lady Gertrude's tale. This has been published EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon's Kindle, so please, come on, click the link and get to reading! It is summer after all. You'll need a good book with which to curl under a tree. If you don't have a Kindle, don't worry, there's an App for that. If you have an iPad, a tablet, a computer, a smart phone (you know you have at least one of those) then this book is available for you. So go on, you know you want to!

Write to you soon! 

Your humble and published again author,

S. Faxon